The Somaliland Innovation Zone has concluded a three-month training on Digital Marketing and Design Thinking.

The Somaliland Innovation Zone, has concluded a three-month training on Digital Marketing and Design Thinking.
This training benefited many young people, who finally came up with an innovative idea that they entered into a competition.
In the final phase of the competition, three teams were Won, which the SIZ will support the implementation of their innovations.
Xarunta Hal- Abuurka Somaliland Innovation Zone oo dhalinyarada kataageerta dhinacyada Hal-Abuurka Tignolojiyadda ayaa soo gebagabaysay Tababar socday mudo sadex bilood ah oo kusaabsanaa Nashqadayta Fikirada(Design Thinking) iyo Suuq Gaynta Casriga ah ( Digital Marketing).
Tababarkan oo ay kafaaidaysteen dhalinyaro badan ayaa ugu dambayntii soo bandhigay Hal-abuuro ganacsi oo kala duwan kaasi oo ay ku galeeen tartan.
Iyadoo wareegi udambeeyey ee tartanka ay kusoo baxeen Sadexii kooxood ee ugu sareeyay, kuwaas oo xaruntu ka taageeri doonto hirgalinta hal-abuurkooda.